Saturday, May 23, 2009

anna university..........CSE...4th SEM

1. MA1252 Probability and Queuing Theory

NOV/DEC 2006

1.The odds in favour of A solving mathematical problem are 3 to 4 and the odds against B solving the problems are 5 to 7. Find the probability that the problem will be solved by at least one of them.

2.A die is loaded in such a way that each odd number is twice as likely to occur as even number. Find P(G), where G is the event that a number greater than 3 occurs on a single roll of the die.

3.Define a continuous random variable. Give an example.

4.Find the value of (a). C and (b). mean of the following distribution given
C(x-x2), for 0<1
f(x)= 0, elsewhere

5.If the probability is 0.40 that a child exposed to a certain contagious will catch it, what is the probability that the tenth child exposed to the disease will be the third to catch it?

6.If X is uniformly distributed over (0,10) Calculate the probability that (a).X>6, (b).3<8.

7.Find the moment generating function for the distribution where

2/3, at x=1
f(x)=1/3, at x=2
0, otherwise

8.State central limit theorem.

9.Define random process and its classification.

10.What are the basic characteristics of Queuing process?

(PART B-5*16=80 marks)
11(a).(i).If the probability density of X is given by

2(1-x), for 0<1
f(x)=0, otherwise
1).Show that E[Xr]=2/((r+1)(r+2))
2).Use this result to evaluate e[2X+1)2]
11(a).(ii).Given a binary communication channel, where A is the input and E is the output, let P(a)=0.4, P(E/A)=0.9 and p[E/A]=0.6. Find

11(b).(i).A random variable X has density function given by
1/k, for0
f(x)= 0, elsewhere
(2).r th moment
11(b).(ii).Given that a student studied, the probability of passing a certain quiz is 0.99. Given that a student did not study. The probability of passing the quiz is 0.05. Assume that the probability of studying is 0.7. A student flunks the quiz. What is the probability that he or she did not study?

12.(a).(i).Let the random variable X following binomial distribution with parameters n and p. Find,
(1).Probability mass function of X.
(2).Moment generating function.
(3).Mean and variance of X.
12.(a).(ii).The number of personal computer (PC) sold daily at a computer World is uniformly distributed with a minimum of 2000 PC and a maximum of 5000 PC. Find
(1).The probability that daily sales will fall between 2500 and 3000PC.
(2).What is the probability that the computer World will sell at least 4000 PC’s?
(3).What is the probability that the computer World will sell exactly 2500 PC’s?
12.(b).(i).Define the probability density function of normal distribution and standard normal distribution. Write down the important properties of its distribution.
12(b).(ii).An electric firm manufactures light bulbs that have a life, before burnout, that is normally distributed with mean equal to 800 hours and standard deviation of 40 hours. Find
(1).The probability that a bulb burns more than 834 hours
(2).The probability that bulb between 778 and 834 hours

13.(a).(i).In producing gallium-arsenide microchips, it is known that the ratio between gallium and arsenide is independent of producing a high percentage of workable wafer, which are main components of microchips. Let X denote the ratio of gallium to arsenide and Y denote the percentage of workable micro wafers retrieved during a 1 hour period. X and Y are independent random variables with the joint density being known as
(x(1+3y2))/4, 0<2,0<1
f(x)= 0, otherwise
Show that E(XY)=E(X)E(Y).

13(a).(ii).If the joint density of X1 and X2 is given by

6.e-3x1-2x2, for x1>0, x2>0
f(x1,x2)= 0, otherwise
Find the probability density of Y= X1 and X2
13.(b).(i).Two random variables X and Y have joint density function

fXY(x,y)=x2+(xy)/3; 0=x=1, 0=y=2
Find the conditional density functions. Check whether the conditional density functions are valid.
13.(b).(ii).If the joint probability density of X1 and X2 is given by

ex1+ x2, for x1>0, x2>0
f(x1,x2)= 0, otherwise
Find the probability of Y= X1/( X1 + X2)

14.(a).(1). 13(a).(11)Find the correlation coefficient and obtain the lines of regression from the following data:
x: 50 55 50 60 65 65 65 60 60 50
y: 11 14 13 16 16 15 15 14 13 13
14.(a).(ii).Let z be a random variable with probability density f(z)=1/2 in the range -1=z=1. Let the random variable X=z and the random variable Y=z2. Obviously X and Y are not independent since X2=y. Show none the less, that X and Y are uncorrelated.
14.(b).(i).Two random variables X and Y are defined as Y=4X+9.Find the correlation coefficient between X and Y.
14.(b).(ii).A stochastic process is described by X(t)=Asint + Bcost where A and B are independent random variables with zero means and equal standard deviation. Show that the process is stationary of the second order.

15.(a).(i).A raining process is considered as two state Markov chain. If it rains, it is considered to be the state 0 and if it does not rain, the chain is in state 1. The transition probability of the Markov chain is defined as
0.6 0.4
P 0.2 0.8 in matrix form
Find the probability that it will rain for 3 days from today assuming that it will rain after three days. Assume the initial probabilities of state 0 and state 1 as 0.4 and 0.6 respectively.
15.(a).(ii).A person owing a scooter has the option to switch over to scooter, bike or a car next time with the probability of (0.3,0.5,0.2). If the transition probability matrix is
0.4 0.3 0.3
0.2 0.5 0.5
0.25 0.25 0.5 . What are the probabilities vehicles related to his fourth purchase?
15.(b).(i).Define Kendall’s notation. What are the assumptions are made for simplest queuing model.
15.(b).(ii).Arrival rate of telephone calls at telephone are according to Poisson distribution with an average time of 12 min between two consecutive calls arrival. The length of telephone call is assumed to be exponentially distributed with mean 4 times.
1).Determine the probability that person arriving at the booth will have to wait.
2).Find the average queue length that is formed from time to time.
3).The telephone company will install second booth when convinced that an arrival would expect to have to wait at least 5 min for the phone. Find the increase in flows of arrivals which will justify a second booth.
4).What is the probability that an arrival will have to wait for more than 15 min before the phone is free?

2. CS1201 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

3. EC1291 Analog and Digital Communication

4. CS1251 Computer Architecture


PART-A(10*2=20 MARKS)
1.Give example of each zero address ,one address,two addressand three address instructions.
2.Which datastructure can be best supporting using a)indirect b)indexed addressing mode.
3. what is the purpose of guard bits used in floating point operations?
4. Gives the booth’s recording and bit-pair recording of the number.
5.why is the wair-for-memory-function-completed step needed when reading from or writing to the main memory.
6. how do control instructions like branch,cause problems in a pipelined processor?
7.What is the the function of TLB?
8.An eight way set associative cache consists of a total of 256 blocks. The main memory contains 8192 blocks, each consisting of 128 words.
a). how many bits are there in the main memory address?
b). how many bits are there in the TAG,SET and WORD fields?
9. why are interrupt masks provided in any processor?.
10. how does bus arbitration typically work?.

PART-B(5*16=80 marks)
11.a). I)Explain in detail the different types of instructions that are supported in a typical processor (10)
ii). Register R1 and R2 of a computer contain the decimal values 1200 and 2400 respectively. What is the effective address of the memory operated in each of the following instructions?
1.Load 20(R1),R5
3.Move #3000,R5
4.Sub(R1)+,R5 (6)

12.a).(i). Explain in detail the principle of carry look-ahead. Show how 16-bit CLAs can be constructed from 4-bit address. (12)
ii)Perform the division on the following 5-bit insigned integer using non-restoring division:10101/00101 (14)
b) I)Explain the working of floating potint adder/subtracter (12)
ii).Multiply the following pair of signed 2’s complement numbers using bit pair recording of the care of in a pipelined processor. . (4)

13. a).i) Explain how pipelining helps to speed up the processor. Discuss the hazards that have to be taken care of in a pipelined processor . (4)
ii). Given the sequence of control signals to be generated to fetch an instruction from memory in a single-bus organization (12)

b) Explain in detail the working of a multiprogrammed control unit (16)

14.a).i)Discuss the address translation mechanism and the different page replacement polocies used in a memory system (10)
ii). A byte addressable computer has a small data cache capable of holding eight 32-bit words. Each cache block contains one 32-bit word.when a given program is executed, the processor reads from the following sequence of hex addresses
200,204,208,20C,2F4,200,204,218,21C,24C,2F4. the pattern is repeated 4 times. Assuming that the cache is initially empty, show the contents of cache at the end of each pass, and compute the hit rate for a direct mapped cache (6)
b).i)Discuss the various mapping schemes used in cache design. Compare the schemes interms of cost and performance. . (10)

ii).consider the two level cache with addess of 5 ns, and 80 ns respectively. If the hit rats are 92% and 75% respectively in the two caches and the memory access time is 250 ns. What is the average access time? (6)

15. a). I)Explain the use of vectored interrupts in processors. Why is priority handling desired in interrupt controllers? How do the priority schemes work? . (10)
ii).Discuss the data transfer mechanism of the PCI bus. (6)

b).i)Explain how data may be transferred from a hard disk to memory using DMA including arbitration for the bus. Assume a synchronous bus and draw a timing diagram showing the data transfer. (10)
ii).Discuss the salient features of the USB operation (6)


1. Registers R1 and R2 of a computer contain the decimal values 1200 and 4600 .
What is the effective address of the memory operand in each of the following
(a) Load 20(R1),R5
(b) Add -(R2),R5.
2. What is the use of Condition Code register?
3. What do you mean by End-around carry correction?
4. Discuss the role of Booth algorithm in the design of Fast Multipliers.
5. Why is the Wait-For-Memory-Function-Completed step needed when reading
from or writing to the main memory?
6. Write the sequence of control steps required for three bus structure for the
following instruction:
Add R4,R5,R6.
7. Define Locality of Reference.
8. Give the features of a ROM cell.
9. What is the difference between a Subroutine and an Interrupt-service
10. Define Bus Arbitration.

PART B-(5*16= 80 marks)

11. (a)(i) Explain in detail the different Instruction types and Instruction
(b) Explain the different types of Addressing modes with suitable
12. (a) Illustrate Booth Algorithm with an example.
(b) Design a 4-bit Carry-Lookahead Adder.
13. (a) Write a Microroutine for the instruction, Add (Rsrc)+ Rdst where
the source and destination operands are specified in indexed and
register addressing modes, respectively.
(b) Explain Microprogrammed Control Unit. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of it.
14. (a) Define Cache Mapping Functions . Explain the methods.
(b) How does a virtual address gets translated into a physical address .
Explain in detail with a neat diagram. Explain the use of TLB.
15. (a) Explain the use of DMA Controllers in a computer system with a neat
(b) Explain Handshake protocol. Depict clearly how it controls data transfer
during an input operation.

5. CS1252 Operating Systems


1.Define Real Time Operating System
3.What do you mean by a critical section problem?
4.Define the use of monitor.
5.Describe the four necessary conditions for deadlocks.
6.Why should paging be used by operating systems?
7.Define virtual memory.
8.What is the cause of thrashing?
9.What is the Kernel of an operating system?
10.Mention the importance of swap-space management.

PART B - (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

11. (a) (i)How does multi programming help in achieving improved utilization of a computer
system?[Marks 8]
(ii)With necessary diagram explain the term "process" from the operating system point of view.[Marks 8]

(b) (i)Briefly explain the four major functions of an operating system.[Marks 8]
(ii)Give the main feature of the following types of OS outlining their limitations and strengths : Interactive Time sharing OS, Real Time OS. [marks 8]

12. (a) Consider the following set of processes, with the length of CPU-burst time given in millisecond. [marks 16]
Process Burst time Priority
p1 10 3
p2 1 1
p3 2 3
p4 1 4
p5 5 2
The processes are assumed to have arrived in order p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 all at time 0. (i) Draw Gantt chats illustrating the execution of these processes using FCFS, SJF, a non-preemptive priority ( a smaller priority number implies a higher priority) and RR (quantum=1) scheduling (ii) What is the turn around time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithms in part (i)?

(b) (i)What two advantages do threads have over multiple processes?
What major disadvantage do they have? Suggest one application that would benefit from the use of threads, and one that would not. [marks 6]
(ii) Define the requirement of the correct solution.How semaphores are used to solve dining philosophers problem. [marks 10]

13. (a) An operating system contains three resource classes, namely R1, R2 and R3. The number of resource units in these classes is 7,7 and 10 respectively.The current resource allocation state is as shown below :[marks 16]
Process Allocated Resources Maximum Requirement

R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3

P1 2 2 3 3 6 8

P2 2 0 3 4 3 3

P3 1 2 4 3 4 4

(i) Is the current allocation state safe?[Marks 4]
(ii)Would the following requests be granted in the current state?
(1) Process P1 requests(1, 1, 0) [Marks 4]
(2) Process P3 requests(0, 1, 0) [Marks 4]
(3) Process P2 requests(0, 1, 0) [Marks 4]

(b) (i)Explain some of the most common techniques for structuring the page table. [marks 8]
(ii)Explain the princples of segmentation with examples. [marks 8]

14. (a) Consider the following page reference string : [marks 16]
1,2,7,8,3,4,2,1,4,2,5,6. How many page faukts would occur for the following page replacement algorithms, assuming an allocation of 3 frames?

(i) LRU [marks 5]
(ii) FIFO [marks 5]
(iii) Optimal. [marks 6]

(b) (i) Explain the concept of demand paging. [marks 8]
(ii) How does the system detect trashing? Once it detect trashing what the system do to eliminate this problem? [marks 8]

15. (a) (i) Describe the salient features of the file system of UNIX. [marks 8]
(ii)Explain UNIX buffer cache mechanism. [marks 8]

(b) (i) Explain different disk scheduling Techniques. [marks 8]
(ii) Explain different directory implementation methods. [marks 8]

6. CS1253 Visual Programming

NOV/DEC 2006

Part A-(10*2=20 marks)
Answer all the questions
1.What is meant by Event driven programming?
2.How will you define a window?
3.What is the use of the class wizard?
4.What is an Appwizard?
5.What are the implementation files associated with a SDI application?
6.What is Hungarian notation?
7.What is thread synchronization?
8.Name any four handle identifiers with their meanings.
9.Name the tag used to create a link in a HTML page. Write an example.
10.What are toolbars?

Part A-(5*16=80 marks)

11.(i).How do you create a simple window using MFC? Code it using C++
(ii).Is there any other way to load a menu other than using CWnd::create() function?
12.(a).(i).Compare the different programming paradigms in windows.
(ii).Write a VC++ program to display the mouse coordinates.
(b).(i).How can you generate colours in a scroll bar?
(ii).Write a VC++ program to draw a rectangle that changes the color when the user is pressing the left mouse button.
13.(a).(i).Explain how the document view architecture is achieved in SDI and MDI applications
(ii).Develop a program to create a text editor in VC++.
(b).(i).Develop a DLL to add and multiply two numbers and write an application to use the DLL.
(ii).Develop a scribble application using mouse movements in VC++.
14.(a).Develop an ActiveXcontrol and use it in an application using VC++ and perform some operations using that control.
(b).(i).Explain containment, Aggregation and In heritance.
(ii).Explain the concepts of OLE Embedded component and container with an example.
15.(a).Develop a Dialog based application to view the files from the database using ODBC connection.
(b).(i).Write a VC++ program to perform the chat application.
(ii).Explain how the threading is achieved in VC++?

NOV/DEC 2007.

1. Write a simple Windows program to print “Hello World”.
2. Define and list down the GDI primitives.
3. Define an application framework.
4. How to use an ActiveX controls in your projects?
5. What is COM?
6. What is a serialize function?
7. Write short notes on aggregation.
8. How ActiveX controls are different from ordinary controls?
9. Which are the databases we can open with DAO?
10. What is a Winsock?
Part – B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) Discuss in detail about displaying the window and message looping.
(b) Explain windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) in detail.
12. (a) Explain the steps with an example for programming a model dialog.
(b) Explain the different mapping modes. Compare and Construct.
13. (a) Explain how to create a toolbox for your application.
(b) Explain SDI and MDI applications in detail.
14. (a) Write down the steps of MFC OLE drag and drop processing with a neat diagram.
(b) (i) Explain the steps involved in the creation of active X control. (Marks -8)
(ii) Highlight the features of COM (Marks -8)
15. (a) Explain how database connectivity can be achieved using ODBC. Write necessary coding and also write coding to query the database.
(b) Write an MFC Automation client program


1.Define Registering of window class
2.What are the events generating WM_PAINT message?
3.What are mapping modes?
4.What are the device context classes?
5.What is the use of property sheet?
6.Write a serialize function.
7.Differentiate ActiveXControls and Ordinary controls.
8.What is OLE?
9.Difference between process and thread.
10.What is the function of IIS?

Part B(5*16=80 marks)
11.(a).Explain windows programming architecture with sample program.
(b).Write a windows program to create 3 scroll bars.

12.(b).Explain VC++ Components.
(b).Write a windows program to create a modal and modeless dialog boxes

13.(a).Write a VC++ program to replace the standard application framework EDIT,CUT,COPY and PASTE toolbar buttons with special button to draw in the view window.
(b).Discuss the features of SDI and MDI with sample code

14.(a).Explain the creation and usage of ActiveXControl.
(b).Explain (i).Containment (ii).Aggregation (iii).Inheritance with suitable example

15.(a).Write a program in MFC to create a worker thread and explain the following:
(i)Controlling the thread from the main thread.
(ii).Sending messages between main and worker thread.
(b).Write a VC++ program to implement the database.


1. Explain in brief the windows MSG structure
2. List the styles for a push button child window control.
3. state the use of windows message and event handler.
4. Give the resource script file for a modal dialog box.
5. State some message and selection flags meant for a menu resource.
6. explain in brief the MFC serialization mechanism.
7. what is an Activex control
8. define OLE
9. state the MFC classes used for ODBC Database Programming
10. state the techniques used for playing audio files


11a) (i) Explain in detail the GDI objects (1) Device Context (2) Brush (3) Pen[Marks 9]
(ii) Write a Win32 program to draw different shapes using different colors and fill styles.[Marks 7]
b) Explain the windows message map architecture in detail with a sample program[Marks 16]

12a) (i) Describe in detail the microsoft foundation classes relating to user interfaces.[Marks 6]
(ii) Explain the CListBox class and its member function in detail with an example program[Marks 10]
(b) (i) State the use and explain the common dialog control in detail [Marks 10]
(ii) Explain how modal and modeless dialog boxes.[Marks 6]

13a) (i) Write notes on the rich edit control in detail[Marks 6]
(ii) Explain how reading and writing is done in a SDI Document [Marks 10]
b) What is DLL? Explain its types and advantages in detail. write a program to create a user defined DLL.[Marks 16]

14a) Develop an application to create a simple Active X control using MFC.[Marks 16]
b)Explain the Ole drag and drop mechanism in detail.[Marks 16]

15a) (i) Explain the multithreading concept in VC++.[Marks 8]
(ii) Explain the use of WinInet API [Marks 8]
(b) develop a database applicaton for maintaining student details [Marks 16]

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