Saturday, May 23, 2009

anna university..........IT...6th SEM


(Common to Aeronautical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering /Metallurgical Engineering and Petroleum Engineering)
(Common to B.E (Part-time) Third Semester Regulation 2005)

Time:Three hours Maximum:100 marks
Answer ALL questions
PART A –(10*2=20marks)

1. Find an iterative formula for finding vN where N is a real number, using
Newton-Raphson formula.
2. State the conditions for the convergence of Gauss-Seidel iterative method
for solving system of equations.
3. Obtain a divided difference table for the following data:
x: 5 7 11 13 17

y: 150 392 1452 2366 5202

4. Write the Newton`s forward difference interpolation formula.
5. State Newton’s backward difference formula to find ( dy/dx)x=xn and
6. State two point Gaussian quadrature formula.
7. Find y(1.1) , using Euler’s method, from dy/dx = x²+ y², y(1)=1.
8. State Adam’s predictor and corrector formula for solving initial value
9. State finite difference approximation for d²y/dx² and state the order of
truncation error.
10. State explicit finite difference scheme for one dimensional wave equation
d² u/d t² = a² d²u/dx².

PART B(5*16=80 marks)

11. (a)(i) Find a real root of the equation x³-2x-5=0 by the method of false position
correct to three decimal places.
(ii) Apply Gauss-Seidel iterative method, solve the system of equations:
20x+y-2z = 17
3x+20y-z = -18
2x-3y+20z = 25
Or 8 -4 0
(b)(i) Using Gauss-Jordan method, find the inverse of the matrix -4 8 -4
0 -4 8
(ii) Find numerically largest eigen value and the corresponding eigen vector
1 6 1
of A= 1 2 0 .
0 0 3
12. (a)(i) The following values of x and y are given:
x: 1 2 3 4

y: 1 2 5 11
Find the cubic splines and evaluate y(1.5).
(b)(i) Use Lagrange’s formula to fit a polynomial to the data:
x: - 1 0 2 3

y: -8 3 1 12
and hence find y at x=1.
(ii) The following data are taken from the steam table:
Temp °C : 140 150 160 170 180

Pressure Kgf/cm² : 3.685 4.854 6.302 8.076 10.225

Find the pressure at temperature t=142° and t=175°.
13. (a)(i) Find f’(4) and f’’(4) from the table:
x: 0 2 3 5

y: 8 6 20 108 1
(ii) Use Romberg’s method to compute ? dx / 1+ x² by taking h=0.5 and
(b)(i) Given that
x: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

y: 8.403 8.781 9.129 9.451 9.75
Find dy/dx and d²y/dx² at x=1.1.
(ii) Evaluate ? d t / 1 + t by Gaussian formula with three points.
14. (a) Apply Runge-Kutta method to find approximate value of y for x=0.2 in
steps of 0.1 if d y/ d x = x+y² given that y=1 when x=0.
(b)(i) Find by Taylor’s series method, the values of y at x=0.1 and x=0.2, to
four decimal places from dy/dx = x²y-1, y(0)=1.
(ii) Given dy/dx=xy+y²,y(0)=1,y(0.1)=1.1169,y(0.2)=1.2773,y(0.3)=1.5049,
evaluate y(0.4) by using Milne’s method.
15. (a)(i) Solve the equation ?² u=-10 (x²+y²+10) over the square with sides
x=0,y=0,x=3 and y=3 with u=0 on the boundary and mesh length=1.
(ii) State implicit finite difference scheme for one dimensional heat equation.
(b)(i) Find the values of u(x,t) satisfying the parabolic equation du/dt=4d²u/dx²
and the boundary conditions u(0,t)=0,u(8,t)=0 and u(x,0)4x-x²/2 at the
points x=i , i =0,1,2,…7 and t=1/8 j , j=0,1,2,3.
(ii) Solve the equation y’’=x+y with conditions y(0)=y(1)=0, by finite
difference method , taking h=0.25.
2. IT1353 Embedded Systems
3. MG1351 Principle of Management
NOV/DEC 2006.

(Regulation 2004)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks.
Answer all questions.
PART A – (10 ´ 2 = 20 Marks)
1. Distinguish between Management and Administration.
2. What is Scientific Management?
3. What do you mean by strategy?
4. What is decision making?
5. Why is informal organization needed?
6. What are the limitation of line and staff?
7. Distinguish between creativity and innovation.
8. List the hierarchy of needs.
9. What are the uses of computers in handling the information?
10. What is globalization?
11. (a) (i) Is Management a Science or Art? Discuss.
(ii) Discuss the steps in method study.
(b) Fayol’s Fourteen Principles of Management.
12. (a) What is planning? Explain the steps involved in planning.
(b) What are objectives? How will you set objectives for a manufacturing

13. (a) (i) Explain the nature and purpose of organization.
(ii) Explain the qualitative forecasting.
(b) Explain MBO which a focus on IT industry.
14. (a) (i) Explain democratic type of leadership with examples.
(ii) Discuss two factor theory of motivation.
(b) (i) Explain how job enrichment heops organizations to maintain
(ii) Explain the barriers in communication.
15. (a) (i) What are the requirements for effective controlling?
(ii) What is the role of IT in controlling?
(b) (i) At is productivity? Explain the methods of improving productivity in IT
(ii) Explain the impact of liberalization quoting examples from software
MAY/JUNE 2007.

(Regulation 2004)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks.
Answer ALL questions.
PART A – (10 ´ 2 = 20 Marks)
1. What is the difference between management and Administration?
2. List the functions of Management.
3. Define MBO in planning.
4. List the forecasting technique used for decision making.
5. Site an example for formal and informal organization.
6. Explain span control in an organization.
7. What are the hierarchies of needs?
8. Define effective communication.
9. What is budgetary control?
10. What is Liberalization?
PART B – (5 ´ 16 = 80 marks)
11. (a) (i) Is Management an Art, Science or profession? Discuss. (8)
(ii) Discuss the various management approaches. (8)
(b) Explain the fourteen principles of management as stated by Henry Faylor.
12. (a) Define strategic planning. What are the steps involved in planning? (16)
(b) Define Forecasting. Explain the various forecasting techniques used for

decision making process. (16)
13. (a) Discuss the merits and demerits of a line and staff organization with
examples. (16)

(Regulation 2004)

Answer ALL questions.

PART A-(10X2=20 marks)

1.Define Adimistration.
2.Explain unity of direction.
3.What is Mission?
4.Brief on Operational Planning.
5.What is decentralisation?
6.Define Staffing.
7.What is Power Motive?
8.Give the meaning of social need.
9.Write any two HR related controlling technique.
10.What are the various types of functional budgets?

PART B-(5X16=80 marks)

11.(a)Discuss the various functions of Management.
(b)Mention the scientific principles of management and also specify the features of scientific management.
12.(a)What are the steps in planning?And explain.
(b)Discuss various forecasting techniques normally adopted.
13.(a)Name the factors determing departmentation.Also mention the bases of departmentation and give examples.
(b)Explain the various techniques used in selection process.
14.(a)Explain Maslow's theory of Motivation and Compare and Contrast xy theory.
(b)Discuss communication through electronic media for effective business.
15.(a)What are the steps in controlling process and state the essentials of effective control.
(b)What is budgetary control and explain its significance.

(Common to Aeronautical Engineering, Information Technology, Production Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering , Mechatronics Engineering ,Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics and Instumentation Engineering, Automobile Engineering and Biomedical Engineering)
(Common to B.E (Part-time) Third Semester Regulation 2004

Time:Three hours Maximum:100 marks
Answer ALL questions
PART A –(10*2=20marks)

1. Define Scientific Management.
2. Differentiate between Management and Administration.
3. What is MBO?
4. List any four quantitative forecasting techniques.
5. Differentiate between effectiveness and efficiency.
6. What is meant by Delegation of Authority?
7. Define Job Enrichment.
8. Define Noise in communication.
9. What is Ethno Centric Organization?
10. Bring out any two similarities between International Management and Regional

PART B—(5*16=80 marks)
11. (a) Write an essay about the contributions made by F.W.Taylor, Henri Fayol,
L.Gantt, Frank and Lillian Gilberth , George Elton Mayo and others to the
field of Management.
(b) With illustrations from Indian and International context, explain in detail
the different types of Business organization with their suitability.
12. (a) In detail explain the importance of planning in the present Indian business
environment. Also highlight the different types of plans.
(b) Explain in detail the steps in the decision-making process with examples.
Also explain in detail any two decision making tools.
13. (a) Bring out the factors affecting centralization/decentralization . Also
highlight the merits and demerits of centralization and decentralization
with examples.
(b) Enumerate in detail about the selection process which is widely followed in
selecting IT professionals. Also highlight the different types of interviews
that can be used in the selection process.
14. (a) Elucidate the different leadership styles. Explain in detail about the Blake
and Mouton’s managerial grid.
(b) Define communication. Explain the process of communication. Explain the
various types of communication with its relative merits and demerits.
15. (a) Bring out the different characteristics of an effective budget. Also bring out
the different types of Budget with its relative merits and demerits.
(b) Bring out the importance of Productivity measures in any organization.
Also in detail enumerate the different productivity enhancement tools
used by the organizations in the present competitive scenario.
4. IT1351 Network Programming and Management

5. IT1352 Cryptography and Network Security

NOV 2007

Part –a
1. What is avalanche effect.
2. What are the types of attacks on encrypted message.
3. Find gcd(56,86) using euclid’s algorithm.
4. Why elliptic curve cryptography is considered to be better than RSA.
5. what is masquerading.
6. Define weak collision property of a hash function.
7. what is x.509 standard.
9. What are honey pots.
10. List down the four phases of virus.

Part –b
11. A) Discuss in detail encryption and decryption process of AES.


i. Briefly explain design principles of block cipher.
ii. Discuss in detail block cipher modes of operation.

12. A)
i. Discuss in detail RSA algorithm , highlighting its computational aspect and security.
ii. Perform decryption and encryption using RSA algorithm with p=3 q=11 e=7 and N=5.

b) Briefly explain Deffie Hellman key exchange with an example.

13. A).
i. Explain authentication functions in detail.
ii. What is meant by message digest give example.

b) i. Briefly explain digital signature algorithm.
ii. Discuss clearly secure hash algorithm.

14. a) i. What is Kerberos . Explain how it provides authenticated service.
ii. Explain the architecture of IPSEC.
b). i. Explain handshake protocol actions of SSL.
ii. Discuss in detail secure electronic transaction.
15). A)
i. Explain firewalls and how they prevent intrusions.
ii.Explain the concept of reference monitor.
b). i. Define intrusion detection and the different types of detection mechanisms, in detail.
ii. Comment on password selection strategies and their significance.

(Regulation 2004)

Time: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Answer ALL questions

PART A (10 x 2 =20 marks)

1.What is the advantage and disadvantage of one time pad encryption algorithm?

2. If a bit error occurs in plain text block p1,how far does the error propagate in CBC mode of DES?

3.When do we say an integer a,less than n is a primitive root of n? state the conditions for having at least one primitive root for n.

4.What for the Miller Rabin algorithm is used?

5.Draw a simple public key encryption model that provides authentication alone.

6. Identify any two applications where one way authentication is necessary.

7.Why the leading two octets of message digest are stored in PGP message along with encrypted message digest?

8.State any two advantages of Oakley key determination protocol over Diffie Hellman key exchange protocol.

9. How are the passwords stored in password file in UNIX operating system?

10.what is meant by polymorphic viruses?

PART B (5 x 16 = 80)

11.(a) (i), Discuss any four substitution cipher encryption methods and list their merits and demerits.

(ii) How are Diffusion and Confusion achieved in DES.


(b) (i) In AES,explain how the encryption key is expanded to produce keys for the10 rounds.

(ii) Explain types of attacks on double DES and triple DES.

12. (a) (i) How are arithmetic operations on integers carried out from their residues modulo a set of pair wise relatively prime moduli?Give the procedure to reconstruct the integers from the residues.

(ii) How is discrete algorithm in the Diffie Hellman key exchange in exchanging the secret key among users.

. (Or)

b.(i) Identify the possible threats for RSA algorithm and list their counter measures.

(ii) State the requirements for design of an elliptic Curve Crypto System.Using that,explain how secret keys are exchanged and messages are encrypted.
13.(a) (i) Describe Digital Signature Algorithm and show how signing and verification is done using DSS.

(ii) Consider any message M of length 4120 bits ending with “ABCDEF” in hexadecimal form.Construct the last block of message to be given as input for the MD5


(b) (i) Explain the processing of message block of 512 bits using SHA1

(ii) write about the symmetric encryption approach for digital signatures

14 . a) (i) Describe the authentication dialogue used by Kerberos for obtaining services from another Realm.

(ii)Explain with help of an example how a user’s certificate is obtained from another Certification Authority in X509 scheme.

b.(i) What are the functions included in MIME in order to enhance sequrity?How are they done?

(ii) Why does PGP maintain key rings with every user?Explain how the messages are generated and received by PGP.

15(a) (i) Explain any two approaches for intrusion detection.

(ii) Suggest any three password selection strategies and identify their advantages and disadvantages if any.


b.(i) Identify a few malicious programs that need a host program for their existence.

(ii) Describe the familiar types of firewall configurations..
6. CS1253 Visual Programming

NOV/DEC 2006

Part A-(10*2=20 marks)
Answer all the questions
1.What is meant by Event driven programming?
2.How will you define a window?
3.What is the use of the class wizard?
4.What is an Appwizard?
5.What are the implementation files associated with a SDI application?
6.What is Hungarian notation?
7.What is thread synchronization?
8.Name any four handle identifiers with their meanings.
9.Name the tag used to create a link in a HTML page. Write an example.
10.What are toolbars?

Part A-(5*16=80 marks)

11.(i).How do you create a simple window using MFC? Code it using C++
(ii).Is there any other way to load a menu other than using CWnd::create() function?
12.(a).(i).Compare the different programming paradigms in windows.
(ii).Write a VC++ program to display the mouse coordinates.
(b).(i).How can you generate colours in a scroll bar?
(ii).Write a VC++ program to draw a rectangle that changes the color when the user is pressing the left mouse button.
13.(a).(i).Explain how the document view architecture is achieved in SDI and MDI applications
(ii).Develop a program to create a text editor in VC++.
(b).(i).Develop a DLL to add and multiply two numbers and write an application to use the DLL.
(ii).Develop a scribble application using mouse movements in VC++.
14.(a).Develop an ActiveXcontrol and use it in an application using VC++ and perform some operations using that control.
(b).(i).Explain containment, Aggregation and In heritance.
(ii).Explain the concepts of OLE Embedded component and container with an example.
15.(a).Develop a Dialog based application to view the files from the database using ODBC connection.
(b).(i).Write a VC++ program to perform the chat application.
(ii).Explain how the threading is achieved in VC++
NOV / DEC -2007.

Part – A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Write a simple Windows program to print “Hello World”.
2. Define and list down the GDI primitives.
3. Define an application framework.
4. How to use an ActiveX controls in your projects?
5. What is COM?
6. What is a serialize function?
7. Write short notes on aggregation.
8. How ActiveX controls are different from ordinary controls?
9. Which are the databases we can open with DAO?
10. What is a Winsock?
Part – B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) Discuss in detail about displaying the window and message looping.
(b) Explain windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) in detail.
12. (a) Explain the steps with an example for programming a model dialog.
(b) Explain the different mapping modes. Compare and Construct.
13. (a) Explain how to create a toolbox for your application.
(b) Explain SDI and MDI applications in detail.
14. (a) Write down the steps of MFC OLE drag and drop processing with a neat diagram.
(b) (i) Explain the steps involved in the creation of active X control. (Marks -8)
(ii) Highlight the features of COM (Marks -8)
15. (a) Explain how database connectivity can be achieved using ODBC. Write necessary coding and also write coding to query the database.
(b) Write an MFC Automation client program


part-A [ Each 2 marks]

1. Explain in brief the windows MSG structure
2. List the styles for a push button child window control.
3. state the use of windows message and event handler.
4. Give the resource script file for a modal dialog box.
5. State some message and selection flags meant for a menu resource.
6. explain in brief the MFC serialization mechanism.
7. what is an Activex control
8. define OLE
9. state the MFC classes used for ODBC Database Programming
10. state the techniques used for playing audio files


11a) (i) Explain in detail the GDI objects (1) Device Context (2) Brush (3) Pen[Marks 9]
(ii) Write a Win32 program to draw different shapes using different colors and fill styles.[Marks 7]
b) Explain the windows message map architecture in detail with a sample program[Marks 16]

12a) (i) Describe in detail the microsoft foundation classes relating to user interfaces.[Marks 6]
(ii) Explain the CListBox class and its member function in detail with an example program[Marks 10]
(b) (i) State the use and explain the common dialog control in detail [Marks 10]
(ii) Explain how modal and modeless dialog boxes.[Marks 6]

13a) (i) Write notes on the rich edit control in detail[Marks 6]
(ii) Explain how reading and writing is done in a SDI Document [Marks 10]
b) What is DLL? Explain its types and advantages in detail. write a program to create a user defined DLL.[Marks 16]

14a) Develop an application to create a simple Active X control using MFC.[Marks 16]
b)Explain the Ole drag and drop mechanism in detail.[Marks 16]

15a) (i) Explain the multithreading concept in VC++.[Marks 8]
(ii) Explain the use of WinInet API [Marks 8]
(b) develop a database applicaton for maintaining student details [Marks 16]

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